Prohibition Of Mushrooms!
Tomorrow december the first a new law comes into force in The Netherlands. Our minister of health department, Mr. Ab Klink prohibits the selling, possessing and using of hallucinating mushrooms, the so-called paddos.
This law is created after the dead of two foreign tourist that haved used paddos, high likely in combination with booze and other drugs. While smartshops provide proper information about using paddos. So the Dutch citizans can forget about the enjoyment that paddos brings!
This law contains a list with around 186 species of forbidden mushrooms. The most ridiculous thing is that some species can be found in everyones backyard, in public parks, forests and even in The Royal Palace Garden. So every civilian who has a backyard can be in offence, even our queen! It's almost to laugh about!
Now we can await a new law that probably forbids the famous coffeeshops, again created by Mr. Ab Klink. I guess that in a year time the most coffeeshops will be closed.
The gouvernment of The Netherlands tries through these laws to stop criminallity around drugs.
I guess it will turn the other way. It will lead to illegality, poor quality of dope and that kind of things, while with the smartshops and coffeeshops the autorities can keep an eye on it!
It's a sad, sad day!